Snoop Dogg and Xzibit engage in discourse about criminal justice reform with LA Sheriffs

by | Jun 9, 2021 | LATEST, MUSIC NEWS, SOCIAL JUSTICE | 0 comments

Snoop Dogg and Xzibit were among several of those who had an opportunity to be a part of a constructive discourse with the department of Los Angeles County Sheriff. The video that was released by HipHop Crown Nation showcases Snoop and X engaging in discussions pertaining to criminal reform, when in conversation with several sheriffs. 

A clip showcased an officer revealing a shocking statistic with the set of people, primarily composed of Black men. He stated that when usually a police officer is shot, it occurs within the first 60 seconds to two minutes. He added that according to the FBI stat, they may die in just the first two minutes, and even that is if they do allow them that long. To this, Snoop responded that for them, during the first two minutes, their hearts beat quickly, which gets further accelerated when cops walk closer to their cars.  

Later, the video showcases Xzibit asking the members of the LASD an important question associated with accountability.  

However, the video doesn’t showcase the answer to the question of X. However, at a later point in the montage, a sheriff mentions that officers are spoken to with respect to their mistakes. He added that every deputy does get a talking to even if they behave in a slightly inappropriate manner. This wasn’t the first meeting that involved the LASD and these set of constituents. The video’s beginning showcases a sheriff alluding to some conversation that occurred several weeks ago. He added that he wants all of them to stay alive and that they should have a sit-down meeting to discuss the same. 

It was in February that the family of a Black man who was fatally shot by LASD deputies chose to seek a $35 million claim against the county as they suffered “severe and substantial damages” through his death. According to the claim, the deputies were not trained properly by the county. 

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